Regular pricing after February 12: $185 for section members; $230 for non-members (includes section membership); $60 for students.
CLE Events
9 AM–4 PM
The Florida Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section’s Arbitration Advocacy Institute is a one-day, virtual workshop for attorney-arbitrators. This seminar is the answer to the question, “How can I improve my arbitration skills?”
What you will learn:
- What to do when parties, witnesses, advocates, or arbitrators engage in unethical conduct;
- How to manage the mechanics of virtual and hybrid arbitration proceedings and why having this knowledge enables you to fulfill the Greener Arbitration Pledge;
- A.I. in arbitration;
- What experienced arbitrators think separates good arbitration advocates from exceptional arbitration advocates; and
- How to lock in your award of damages, costs, and expenses of the arbitration proceeding to your client’s benefit.
The Institute takes place only every other year. Don’t miss out on the 2024 Experience. Held virtually, priced cost-effectively, delivered in a single day, and certain to enhance your knowledge and ability to handle arbitrations for your clients.
February 19, 2024
Hosted by The Alternative
Dispute Resolution Section
of The Florida Bar
Course number 8273 is approved for
6.5 CLE credits, 1.5 of which may be applied toward Ethics;
2 Technology
The Arbitration Advocacy Institute offers a rare opportunity to get tips from highly respected attorneys and arbitrators. If you arbitrate cases, don’t miss this stellar program.
9 AM: Welcome Remarks (ADR Section Chair Christy Foley)
9:15 AM: Addressing the Challenges of Unethical Conduct in Arbitration by Advocates, Parties, Witnesses, and Arbitrators (Patricia Thompson, Chris Shulman, Lori Adelson, and Chardean Mavis Hill)
10:10 AM: The Mechanics of Virtual and Hybrid Arbitration Proceedings, Protocols, and the Greener Arbitration Pledge (Angela Romero-Valedon and Aaron J. Horowitz)
11:30 AM: Is there a Place for Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration? (Ido Alexander, Meah Tell, and Jordan Turk)
12:25–1 PM: Lunch Break
1 PM: Update on Arbitration Law (Prof. John Rooney)
2 PM: How Attorneys Can Improve the Process and Their Advocacy in Arbitration: A View from the Panel (Moderator: Karen J. Orlin, Panelists: Steve Platau, Prof. Joan Stearns Johnsen, and the Honorable Joseph Farina (Ret.))
3 PM: Follow the Money: How to Obtain an Award of Damages, Costs, and Other Expenses of the Arbitration Proceeding (Deborah Mastin, Harout J. Samra, the Honorable Christi L. Underwood (Ret.))
3:55 PM: Closing Remarks (Deborah Mastin, Meah Rothman Tell, Program Co-chairs)