The Florida Bar ADR Section Arbitration Committee’s June Arbitrator’s Forum topic is “Challenges of Having Parallel Proceedings.” Get details at
The forums are on the second Tuesday of each month from 8:00–9:00 AM. They are FREE and open to all.
The ADR Section’s Arbitration Committee introduced the forums to create a community of better arbitration neutrals in our state. Join your fellow Florida neutrals on Zoom to discuss what works, what puzzles you, and what might improve your practice. Questions? Contact Patricia H. Thompson, FCIArb, at 305-794-4345 cell, 305-371-5267 office, or for more information.
Keep your calendars marked for the monthly forum sessions!
What: TFB ADR Section’s Arbitrator’s Forum
When: Second Tuesday of each month
Time : 8:00–9:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 817 1009 4208
Passcode: 567343